Monday, September 29, 2008

Foux de Fa Fa

Though I'm no big fan of Flight of the Conchords, I heart this "video," and the song, actually. Aye-ah! I would be ok if my life were like a big, fake '60s French stereotype for a few days.


Gren said...

Oh, that was great! I'll be singing that throughout the day, no doubt!

thepockmark said...

Why are you no big fan of Conchords? They're so adorable!


Noël said...

hee hee. i do love the conchords! this must be from the new season, hm? hasn't come to the UK yet (pout, pout).

totally agree the fakey french lifestyle would be too-too, ma cherie. we'll have to break out the stripey shirts when we see you in nov...

candy sue said...

oui, oui, ma soeur! A novembre!

candy sue said...

Oui, Erin, they are utterly adorable, c'est vrai, mais quelquefois they don't make me laugh. Zut alors! J'espere it wasn't vrai!