Friday, February 22, 2008

Weekly Photo Challenge: Slogan

I have a couple this week.

I'm of course on my Stefan Sagmeister kick this week (I'm even having dreams about him, where he tells me to not be scared to do the things I want to do. It's nice) and he has a whole new book of slogans to choose from! Here is one half of the slogan "Everybody thinks...they are right" from the inside of his show at Deitch Projects in Soho. In his lecture, he said he found that this was the reason for most conflict in the world. Good point, I think.

And then after I left his exhibit, there was this charming slogan on a telephone pole, which I hope you will appreciate.


candy sue said...

I love the many ways you can read that sticker. It totally cracks me up.

Dave said...

Okay, I get the concept behind the first slogan, although I'm not sure if the giant inflatable gorilla really adds anything to it.

FireHorse said...

I love Dick too. ;)

candy sue said...

Yeah, Dave, the gorilla=questionable. My friend Danny and I were discussing it. So much else this guy does is cool because it works on so many different levels, but the gorillas. Hmmm. Just for show it seems.

d said...

i think he's trying to say something about 'the 300 pound gorilla in the room'. that no one wants to talk about, but everyone knows is there. right? i dunno. maybe not.

two nice slogan shots.